Home WOOD CONVEYOR Forestry Equipment Comparator Forestry trailer 10-66 HV | 115HD

10-66 HV | 115HD

Woody Equipment is proud to introduce our 10-66 HV in its new version. Almost entirely redesigned, it will allow you to handle more loads with a lower center of gravity than before. Our new 10-66 HV trailer is compatible with the 115HD loader model.
Compatible with the log loader  Log loader 60-021 115 HD
Load length 116'' (9' 9'')
Overall length 188'' (15' 7'')
Overall Width 69''
Gross trailer weight 1796 lbs
Axle capacity 5000 lbs / chacun
Trailer tonnage 5 Tons / 10000 lbs
Volume 136,2 Cubic Feet
0,53 Wood Cords (4'x8'x8')
Protective Grid Inclusive 
Number of posts 8
Tires 8 ply, 11L15
Gravel bin 7' with hydraulic cylinder 31-020
Power unit 5.5HP 53-002
hydraulic articulation  59-076-03
Tires options 12.5L15, 10 plis